How it works:
Search for a procedure or test—if several options pop up, select the best match. You can filter your results by specialty, hospital, pricing, location and more.
Each search result will show the provider or location’s basic information, whether they're in the network and what your estimated out-of-pocket cost would be.
- If you’re searching for a procedure, and the treatment and recovery include multiple steps, you may see a What’s in this treatment button. Click to learn more about your treatment timeline.
The Cost Estimator can also help you understand what to expect during your treatment, so you can talk with your doctor about your best treatment options.
See how much time it takes for a procedure and recovery
Select the best place of service for you
Identify ways to save money
- Discover questions to ask your doctor about your treatment plan
To use the Cost Estimator, sign in.
Note: The Cost Estimator is currently only available to members with medical coverage. This tool is designed to provide you with estimates of costs for certain common procedures, from providers and facilities on which we have data to provide average cost estimates. Your actual costs may differ.