September 24, 2024
Many of you have no doubt heard about Oregon Ballot Measure 118 (M118), which seeks to add a new 3% tax on companies’ gross sales in Oregon in excess of $25 million.
If you’re following the campaign, you also might have seen that Regence is publicly opposed to M118 and is part of a broad business coalition urging Oregon voters to look into the facts and impacts if the measure passes.
The effects of M118 are broad. Groceries, gasoline, electricity and many other products Oregonians depend on will be affected, and this includes health care. If it passes, the measure ultimately will have a significant effect on Oregon consumers, who are already challenged by inflation and the rising cost of living.
In the case of health insurance, customers would ultimately pay the tax in their premiums. Affordability is a top concern for Regence, and our opposition to this measure is in line with our commitment to keep care as affordable as possible.
We are currently analyzing the details, the full impact of passage on rates and other information, and we will have more specifics later.
But we want you to be aware of the campaign if you are not already, and we encourage you to look into the details and effects of the measure if it passes.