Benefits update: Changes to pre-authorization for chiropractic, acupuncture and massage (CAM) care

May 10, 2022

To help ease access to care, we recently made changes to pre-authorization (PA) requirements on chiropractic, acupuncture and massage (CAM) treatments. The following changes took effect April 1, 2022.

PA eliminated on CAM care on fully insured plans: PA is no longer required on fully insured plans for most CAM care with dates of service April 1, 2022, or later. Previously, providers were required to submit PA requests for CAM services to eviCore.

Discontinuation of the CAM PA buy-up option for self-funded groups: The CAM PA buy-up option for self-funded groups is being discontinued. For those that currently have the buy-up option for 2022, the program will continue until their next renewal. PA will still be required on self-funded plans that include our optional Physical Medicine Program with the CAM component until the group’s next renewal.

There are no changes to PA requirements for physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. We’ll still use eviCore for PA for these services for fully insured groups and as a buy-up option for self-funded groups.

Questions? Please contact your account executive.