3rd Party application interoperability information

FHIR Provider Directory API

To access the FHIR-compliant Provider Directory API, you must first request obtain a public access token from our token service at


Each requested token will expire after 15 minutes. No authentication is required because this is a public token. This is a deviation from the JOT methodology because we do not use a client and secret; it is simply passing a public token request. There is no need to pass the token as an authenticated bearer token. It needs to be passed as a subject token inside the header section of your call.

curl --location --request POST 'https://providers.regence.com/api/healthsparq-public-login-service/v1/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Make sure to include the required metadata and header information to the endpoint. The insurerCode and brandCode values will vary depending on which provider directory you would like to query. For each, you will need to request a separate token with the appropriate InsurerCode and BrandCode values specified.

The Regence FHIR Provider Directory API includes the following Plans. When making calls or passing metadata, use the information below to call the data you're looking for.

Regence BCBS of Oregon

  • insurerCode = RG_I
  • brandCode = RG_OR

Regence BS of Idaho

  • insurerCode = RG_I
  • brandCode = RG_ID

Regence BCBS of Utah

  • insurerCode = RG_I
  • brandCode = RG_ID

Regence BS of Washington

  • insurerCode = RG_I
  • brandCode = RG_WW

For Regence BCBS of Oregon, for example, pass the following:

curl --location --request POST 'https://providers.regence.com/api/healthsparq-public-login-service/v1/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Use the token to make subsequent calls to the FHIR Provider Directory APIs to either query for medical providers at




to query for pharmacy providers. Include the following required FHIR Provider Directory API call headers:

--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Subject-Token: (FYI - public token to be passed with this header)

Our API conforms to the HL7 DaVinci PDEX Plan Net implementation guide (IG) available at https://hl7.org/fhir/us/davinci-pdex-plan-net/. In accordance with the standard IG, we recommend that developers query our API’s /metadata endpoint to generate a Capability Statement as an initial step.

Technical Swagger documentation for our FHIR Provider Directory API is publicly accessible at https://developers.healthsparq.com/swagger/provider-fhir-service/provider-fhir-service/v2/api-docs

FHIR Patient Access API

To access the FHIR-compliant Patient Access API, you must first submit an application. Please follow this link to the application.

The registration process will include the following:

Application: The application will include registration and attestation. The registration will include contact information for the application and information regarding the application. All areas of the registration need to be completed. The attestation will include several yes/no questions.

Review: Upon receipt of an application, there will be a review of the completion of the application. The review will be completed within a week of submission.

Decision: After the review, an email response will be provided to the email noted in the application. Upon confirmation of completion of the application the App will be set up as a registered App. Thereafter an email will be provided with the client credentials.

Our API conforms to the FHIR HL7 Carin Blue Button implementation guide (IG) available at http://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/carin-bb/ In accordance with the standard IG.

Technical API Swagger and documentation for our FHIR Patient Access API is publicly accessible at

Patient Access API links and documentation:

Branding Guidelines

Please download this file for logos, brand guidelines, and formatting specification.

Machine-readable data (For Idaho only)
