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Everest offers you a unique opportunity to discuss and obtain information from independent experts regarding planning a funeral. You'll save $50 off the enrollment fee for Everest's suite of funeral planning services. With advisors available 24 hours a day, you'll receive the information needed to make informed decisions about all funeral-related issues—within your budget and with a funeral home of your choice.
Everest's funeral planning and concierge services include:
- 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week advisor assistance to discuss funeral planning issues
- Online planning tools including:
- Personal profile
- 10 Key Decisions planner
- My Wishes planning guide
At-need family support to communicate the clients' Personal Funeral Plan to the funeral home and negotiation assistance to gather pricing information and help the family compare those prices.
Everest's customer testimonials:
"My advisor was able to negotiate with a first-rate funeral home and saved us $2,000." — Molly J.
"I was extremely satisfied with the attention that was given to every detail from the flowers to the guest registry." — Claire D.
"I couldn't have done it without the help of my Everest advisor." — Janine W.
Everest is an independent consumer advocate providing personalized services related to one of life's most expensive purchases. Everest is not a funeral home, does not sell funeral goods or services, nor does it receive any commissions from funeral homes. Everest serves more than 20 million clients in the United States and Canada.
To learn more about Everest, or to enroll, members can visit everestfuneral.com or call 1 (800) 913-8318 and use the members-only enrollment code.