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May 30, 2023
Mental health is for everybody, and even though Mental Health Awareness Month is coming to an end, our informative content can help groups and members maintain awareness all year long. To help you guide members to care, we've compiled all the content in one place. Use and share these links with your employer groups throughout the year to help guide them and their employees to better mental health.
Behavioral health resource flyer, "Know your behavioral health options": This is a complete guide to all the ways members can find and access behavioral health care. If you share only one piece of behavioral health content, make it this one. And, while we encourage all members to create an account and sign in to regence.com to find care, they can contact and receive care quickly from the virtual providers listed on the flyer with no referral and no pre-authorization required.
Email template: Employers can use this email template to send the behavioral health resource flyer to employees.
Company intranet/newsletter article: Employers can include this article in their company's employee newsletter or intranet to reinforce the importance of mental health and encourage use of their health plan's network and provider options.
Understanding the different provider types: With so many different behavioral health providers, it can be hard to know which type is right for each circumstance. This flyer provides an overview of the different providers to help members make informed decisions and know what to expect: IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
Videos: We've produced a series of brief, informative videos about seven different topics of broad interest. Check out all seven and be sure to share them with your groups:
- Which type of provider is right for you? IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
- How to tell your teen's in trouble IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
- What to expect from therapy IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
- Know the signs of drug and alcohol misuse IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
- Eating disorders IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
- Parenthood and mental health IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
- Is virtual therapy right for you? IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
Our blog: The Regence blog is a great resource for finding the latest health and wellness education. Review all the different ways we covered mental health in May:
- Mental health is for everyone
- Tips for helping a child with mental health concerns transition to and from college
- If you suffer from postpartum depression, you're not alone
- Are you a stressed parent? Here's what you can do.
- Eight ways seniors can combat loneliness and social isolation
- Mental health for busy working parents
Podcasts: During May on our own "HealthChangers" podcast series, we're covering different aspects of mental health:
- Mental health for health care workers, May 9
- Older adults and substance use disorder, May 18
- Visit the Regence blog regularly to keep up on all the latest podcasts.
Well-being: Regence Empower™ provides programs, activities and a health library to support members in improving and strengthening their mental well-being. These materials include an overview of the available resources:
Regence Empower behavioral health in English: IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
Regence Empower behavioral health in Spanish: IDAHO | OREGON | UTAH | WASHINGTON
In addition to all the above content, did you know we send emails directly to commercial group and Medicare members who've signed up to receive them? On May 16, we emailed insights about how to access behavioral health care conveniently with in-network virtual providers.
Mental health truly is for everybody, and our content all month long had something for everybody to learn from and act on. Please continue to use and share it with your groups all year.
Want more information? Contact your account representative.