BlueCard® is a national program that enables members of a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan (Blue Plan) to obtain health care services while traveling or living in another Blue Plan's service area. The program links participating physicians, other health care professionals and facilities with independent Blue Plans across the country and around the world through a single electronic network for claims processing and reimbursement.
As a participating provider of Regence, you may render services to patients who are members of other Blue Plans.
The BlueCard program allows you to conveniently submit claims for members from other Blue Plans, including international Blue Plans, directly to Regence. We will be your one point of contact for all your claims-related questions.
The program allows members to access providers and savings—and receive the same benefits as within their Blue Plan's service area—while traveling or living in our service area.
BlueCard applies to all inpatient, outpatient and professional claims. A variety of products and claim types are eligible to be delivered via BlueCard; however, not all Blue Plans offer all these products:
- Medigap
- Traditional
- Point-of-Service (POS)
- Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO)
- Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Stand-alone State Children's Health Insurance Plan (SCHIP)
Note: Stand-alone vision and stand-alone self-administered prescription medication programs are eligible to be processed through BlueCard when such programs are not delivered using a vendor. Please see the claim filing instructions on the back of the member ID card.
The following are excluded from BlueCard:
- Stand-alone dental Learn about dental procedures that qualify.
The Federal Employee Program (FEP) (Members of FEP have the letter "R" in front of their member number.)
Note: Medicare Advantage and Medicaid are a separate program from BlueCard. However, like claims for BlueCard members, claims for Medicare Advantage and Medicaid members should be sent to Regence.
BlueCard Access®
These doctor and hospital finder resources are useful when you need to refer a patient to a physician, other health care professional or facility in another location. Call BlueCard Access at 1 (800) 810-BLUE (2583) or visit the National Doctor and Hospital Finder. In addition, Blue Distinction® Finder, a Web-based tool, is available to help you locate Blue Distinction Centers across the nation.
BlueCard Eligibility®
Eligibility and benefit information for Blue Plan members is available at 1 (800) 676-BLUE (2583).
Medical Policy and Pre-authorization / Pre-certification router
Use our online tool to be automatically routed to the home plan's pre-authorization/pre-certification requirements.
BlueCard Provider Customer Service
For claims-related information for Blue Plan members contact BlueCard Provider Customer Service.
Electronic Transactions
Submit claims and receive eligibility, claim status and pre-certification/pre-authorization information electronically.
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association website
View additional information about the BlueCard Program.